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Second, the Club Constitution for Tier 1 clubs serves mainly as a ceremonial document. Many Tier 1 clubs use no formal process to make decisions since the members are already friends, and are capable of working things out by themselves without a constitution to dictate how they should act. Although the SEC stipulates that the constitution should guide how a club is run, this is impossible to enforce.
Second, the Club Constitution for Tier 1 clubs serves mainly as a ceremonial document. Many Tier 1 clubs use no formal process to make decisions since the members are already friends, and are capable of working things out by themselves without a constitution to dictate how they should act. Although the SEC stipulates that the constitution should guide how a club is run, this is impossible to enforce.
Third, in the same vein, attendance is loosely enforced. In the past, even clubs significantly underpopulated in the fall were often allowed to continue their activities in the spring. As of the fall of 2024, SEC is counting only attendance from November when deciding whether or not to allow clubs to continue.
Third, in the same vein, attendance is loosely enforced. In the past, even clubs significantly underpopulated in the fall were often allowed to continue their activities in the spring. As of 2024-2025, SEC technically enforces club attendance, but gives underpopulated clubs a "warning" halfway through the semester that the must meet the 10-member quota for the ''<u>rest</u>'' of the semester.  
Finally, since clubs must charter at the start of each year, a club can act basically however they like in the spring since they'll have to re-charter the following fall anyways.
Finally, it is less important to keep attendance up during the spring semester because failure to do so only disqualifies the club for fast-track re-chartering for the following fall; they can still re-charter normally.  
== Club government ==
== Club government ==

Latest revision as of 05:59, 13 March 2025

A club is a group of students and a teacher advisor with some sort of shared interest that they engage in at Gunn.


Tier 1

Tier 1 clubs are the lowest tier. They do not receive any funding and are technically not allowed to raise or own money, though of course money for supplies can be informally raised. Tier 1 is the only tier that is not required to submit monthly meeting "minutes" to document their actions. Tier 1 clubs are typically more informal and don't go through many technicalities. An example of this tier is Card Game Club.

Tier 2

Tier 2 clubs are allowed to spend and raise money as well as organize events. They must submit meeting minutes monthly to track their decisions.

Tier 3

Tier 3 clubs can, in addition to spend/raise money and hold events, have field trips. They are typically larger and more prestigious clubs, like the Debate Club and Math Circle.

Clubs in Theory

These are the official rules governing clubs.

Applying for a charter

A club must charter each year, and the application requirements for a club are as follows:

  • 10 Charter Members, people who support the club and will ostensibly become full-time members, though this is not a requirement
  • a Constitution, which provides for:
    • Officers, with President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer being required positions. (The latter two may be combined in Tier 1 clubs as they don't spend money have no use for a dedicated treasurer).
    • A process for choosing officers that occurs at least once a year. (These are the "term limits" referenced in the Gunn Club Bylaws; there are no actual term limits in the traditional sense.)
    • A process for removing incompetent officers.
    • A process to amend the constitution.
    • The time during which the club meets.

Occasionally, the SEC will reach out to clubs about some deficiency in their constitution and will charter the club only if it is amended.

Running a club

To keep their charter, a club will need to:

  • Meet on the days set out by their constitution,
  • Meet at least twice a month under normal conditions (i.e. no no-school days),
  • Maintain an average of at least 10 members per meeting and track this by filling out an attendance form of members in attendance every meeting

Clubs in practice

An ideal club as described by the SEC is quite different for a club in practice.

Firstly, many Tier 1 clubs would be better characterized as "cliques" instead of clubs, consisting of a close group for friends and a "warm body" club advisor rather than just a bunch of like-minded folk with an enthusiastic advisor. Such clubs are often created by friend groups trying to pad their college applications by becoming some club officers; consequently, they often die out soon after the members of the clique graduate. Even so, not all Tier 1 clubs follow this path. As Tier 1 clubs are easier to charter and have less restrictions (for example, meeting minutes aren't required for all meetings and secretary and treasurer positions can be combined), being a Tier 1 club is the best option for many newer general interest clubs without tons of members and thus, don't require school funding and events.

Second, the Club Constitution for Tier 1 clubs serves mainly as a ceremonial document. Many Tier 1 clubs use no formal process to make decisions since the members are already friends, and are capable of working things out by themselves without a constitution to dictate how they should act. Although the SEC stipulates that the constitution should guide how a club is run, this is impossible to enforce.

Third, in the same vein, attendance is loosely enforced. In the past, even clubs significantly underpopulated in the fall were often allowed to continue their activities in the spring. As of 2024-2025, SEC technically enforces club attendance, but gives underpopulated clubs a "warning" halfway through the semester that the must meet the 10-member quota for the rest of the semester.

Finally, it is less important to keep attendance up during the spring semester because failure to do so only disqualifies the club for fast-track re-chartering for the following fall; they can still re-charter normally.

Club government

Jacob Chiu posits the following principles for club government:

  1. A club is made for the benefit of its members, and, more generally, the student body. If a club cannot operate in such a way that it fulfills that purpose, it ought to be disbanded. As such, a club should avoid having the will of the SEC, school administrators, and students trying to harm the club forcibly imposed upon it.
  2. The job of a club government is to ensure the club runs smoothly. Governmental functions should not interfere significantly with the normal activities of the club.
  3. There are three sorts of decision-making processes: 1) informal consensus, in which all members/officers come to an agreement or compromise on decisions; 2) rules-based, in which clearly defined rules dictate how the club operates or how decisions are to be made; and 3) deadlock, when members are unable to come to a consensus and no decisions can be made. Informal consensus is better than rules because it is more adaptable, and often, more efficient. However, if a club grows too big, its members/officers aren't friendly, or a very important/controversial issue is being decided, this can lead to deadlock if there aren't clearly written rules to keep things moving. The purpose of a Club Constitution is to leave as much flexibility for the current officers while avoiding deadlock. For example, a Constitution should usually lay out how to elect and impeach club officers because those are highly contentious issues.

List of Clubs, by day (24-25)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
ACS Chemistry Club 412 GCC (Gunn Christian Club) Ancient STEAM Architecture Club Aeronautics
Biotechnology Club AI and Policy Club Bike Club Board Game Club Best Buddies
Book Club Anatomy and Physiology Club Business Club Botany Buddies Black Student Union (BSU)
Card Game Club Autonomous Robotics Club Ceramics Club Chess Club Celebrating Female Composers
Civic Engagement Education Project (CEEP) Baseball Club Chinese Culture Club Culture Connection Club Data Science Club
Climbing Club Bread Appreciation Club Comedy Club Dungeons and Dragons Club DIY Crafts Club
Economic Club Competitive Programming Club Data Modeling in Environmental Sustainability (DMES) Fencing Club Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
Figure Drawing Cooking Club Dermatology Club Film Club GeoPolitical Club
International Cinema Club Geography Club Dream Volunteers French Culture Club Girl Up
Joy Dance Club Girls Tech Club Graphic Design Club German Club History Club
RnB Music Productions Golf Club Intramural Sports Club Japan Culture Club Key Club
South Asian Student Association Grapho-Psych Club Juggling Club Latinos Unidos Mathematical and Computational Linguistics Club
Mixed Arts Club (MAC) Green Team LEGO Engineering and Design Club Motorsport Club Music Composition Club
Mock Trial Club Helios Magazine Club Math Circle ROCK Online Party Games Club
Photography Club Improv Club Medicine Society for Women Science Olympiad (SciOly) PC Development Club
Physics Club Jewish Student Union Medicine without Borders South East Asian Student Association Pickleball
Team HBV Korean Club Model United Nations Spanish Club Pokémon Club
The Chariot Lifestyle Medicine Muslim Student Association Sports Fan Club Polandball Club
The Sound of Music National Art Honor Society Science Bowl Timewinder Red Cross
True Crime Club Neuroscience Club Style Swap United Computations Tea Club
YCS Interact Newcomer Buddy Club TEDxGunnHighSchool Vietnamese Culture Club Thespian Club
Philosophy Club The Breakfast Club Tital Journal Club
Poetry Club Voices of Unity Club Amnesty International Club
Quiz Bowl Weightlifting Club HOSA
Research Club Zine Club Organic Garden Club
Speech and Debate Club Pandora's Box Creative Magazine
Spikeball Club Psychology Club
Sports Data & Analytics Club
Title IX
Women in STEM

List of Clubs, alphabetical (24-25)

412 GCC (Gunn Christian Club)

ACS Chemistry Club


AI and Policy Club

Amnesty International Club

Anatomy and Physiology Club

Ancient STEAM

Architecture Club

Autonomous Robotics Club

Baseball Club

Best Buddies

Bike Club

Biotechnology Club

Black Student Union

Board Game Club

Botany Buddies

Bread Appreciation Club

Business Club

Card Game Club

Celebration Female Composers

Ceramics Club

Chess Club

Chinese Culture Club

Civic Engagement Education Project

Climbing Club

Comedy Club

Competitive Programming Club

Cooking Club

Cubing Club

Culture Connection Club

Data Modeling in Environmental Sustainability (DMES)

Data Science Club

DIY Crafts Club

Dream Volunteers

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Economics Club

Fencing Club

Figure Drawing

Film Club

French Culture Club

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

Geography Club

GeoPolitical Club

German Club

Girl Up

Girls Tech Club

Golf Club

Graphic Design Club

Grapho-Psych Club

Green Team

Helios Magazine Club

History Club


Improv Club

International Cinema Club

Intramural Sports Club

Japan Culture Club

Jewish Student Union

Joy Dance Club

Juggling Club

Key Club

Korean Club

Latinos Unidos

Lego Engineering and Design Club

Lifestyle Medicine

Math Circle

Medicine Society for Women

Medicine without Borders

Mixed Arts Club

Mock Trial Club

Model United Nations (MUN)

Motorsport Club

Music Composition Club

Muslim Student Association (MSA)

National Art Honor Society

Neuroscience Club

Newcomer Buddy Club

Online Party Games Club

Organic Garden Club

Origami Club

Pandora's Box Creative Magazine

PC Development Club

Philosophy Club

Physics Club


Poetry Club

Pokémon Club

Polandball Club

Psychology Club

Quiz Bowl

Reach Out Care Know (ROCK)

Red Cross

Research Club

Science Bowl

Science Olympiad (SciOly)

South Asian Student Association

Spanish Club

Speech and Debate Club

Spikeball Club

Sports Data & Analytics Club

Tea Club

Team HBV


The Breakfast Club

The Chariot

The Sound of Music

Thespian Club


Titan Journal Club

Title IX

True Crime Club

United Computations

Vietnamese Culture Club (VCC)

Voices of Unity Club

Women in STEM

Youth Community Service - Interact (YCS-I)

Zine Club