Permanent Status
Permanent status, or tenure, refers to a teacher's employment status. Under state law, teachers with permanent status can only be dismissed for specific reasons, making them difficult to fire.
According to BoardDocs,
The Board of Education desires to employ and retain highly qualified classified personnel to support the district's educational program and operations. Newly hired classified employees shall serve a probationary period during which the Board shall determine their suitability for long-term district employment. A probationary employee who has been employed by the district for six months or 130 days of paid service, whichever is longer, shall be classified as a permanent employee of the district.
Probationary employees are easy to dismiss:
With proper notice, the Board may, without cause, elect not to reemploy a probationary employee for the subsequent year.
But tenured ones are not:
Permanent employees shall not be dismissed from their position except when cause for dismissal can be shown. Cause and procedures for dismissal are defined by provisions of Education Code 44932 et seq.