Symphony Orchestra H
Symphony Orchestra H is an 8th period course at Gunn High School that is an audition-only course that accepts both orchestra and band students. This course meets Thursdays from 6:00-8:30 PM, and also meets for additional sectional rehearsals and Monday rehearsals. This course was created in the 2022-2023 school year and is open to all grades.
Course Catalog Description
The Symphony Orchestra Honors class will allow students to experience the wide canon of symphony orchestra repertoire, with instrumentation across all band and orchestra instruments. There will also be a continued focus on technical skill development, tone production, tuning, rhythmic maturity, posture, articulation and ensemble rehearsal etiquette in a full ensemble setting. The study of music theory will be embedded into the fabric of the warm-up and concert literature. Symphony Orchestra Honors will be offered as an 8th Period course. It is open by application/audition to all students who have played in a PAUSD Orchestra or Band for at least one year, and who have at least four years of playing experience on their instrument. Students enrolled in Symphony Orchestra must also be concurrently enrolled in a band and orchestra course during the school day (Periods 1-7). This honors-level course is a fast- paced musical environment, and students are expected to have their parts practiced outside of class rehearsal time. Auditions will be held in the Spring and will consist of scales, excerpts, and sight-reading. Incoming 9th graders may have the opportunity to audition for any open instrument spots in the early Fall semester.
Prerequisite: At least one year in a PAUSD Orchestra or Band class, and at least four years of playing experience on their instrument. Audition required for enrollment. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a Gunn Band or Orchestra in order to enroll in Symphony Orchestra H.
Homework Expectations: 90-120 minutes per week outside of class practice; both performance and written assessments will be included in the curriculum
The Class
The instrumentation of Symphony Orchestra: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute (and Piccolo), Oboe (and English horn), Clarinet (and Bass Clarinet), Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion, Piano.
Symphony Orchestra also performs during the last PRIME of the school year in a themed concert.
Should I take this course?
While Symphony Orchestra is an engaging and exciting music course, its time commitment is also demanding due to the 2.5-hour rehearsal on Thursdays and the large amount of music practiced in preparation for concerts. Only take this course if you can fully guarantee that you can show up for the Thursday rehearsals. If you have other commitments such as sports practices that consistently prevent you from attending rehearsals, you should not join Symphony Orchestra.