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If you would like your name changed, contact Mg27713. SBG Rubric for Analysis H

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Analysis H Rubric

Mathematical Problem-Solving
Standard: I can solve non-routine math problems accurately using an organized, logical process.
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Developing
I can solve highly complex math problems accurately, without careless errors, using an especially creative, highly logical process that is well-suited to the problem. I can solve non-routine math problems accurately using an organized, logical process. I can solve familiar math problems using a somewhat organized process. I can attempt to solve familiar math problems.
  • All work shown
  • All mathematical steps are accurate, with only minor calc. errors
  • Process is clearly organized
  • Process is efficient and well-tailored to the problem
Mathematical Argumentation and Proof
Standard: I can rigorously prove theorems and make logically sound mathematical arguments.
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Developing
I can prove highly complex theorems using a highly organized and well-suited set of steps that is thoroughly justified. I can make mathematical arguments in novel theoretical and real-world contexts using complex mathematical reasoning. I can prove theorems using a clear logical sequence of steps that is properly justified. I can make mathematical arguments both in theoretical and real-world contexts using sound mathematical reasoning. I can justify mathematical theorems through informal reasoning. I can make mathematical arguments in familiar theoretical and real-world contexts. I can attempt to justify mathematical theorems through informal reasoning. I can attempt to make mathematical arguments in familiar theoretical and real-world contexts.
  • All major logical steps are present
  • All logical steps accurate
  • Presented in an easily understandable way
Conceptual Understanding
Standard: I can clearly and accurately explain mathematical concepts in theoretical and real-world contexts.
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Developing
I can deeply, thoroughly, and accurately explain mathematical concepts and their application to a highly complex or novel theoretical or real-world context. I can clearly and accurately explain mathematical concepts and their application to a non-routine theoretical or real-world context. I can explain mathematical concepts and their application to a familiar mathematical context. I can identify a math concept relevant to a familiar mathematical context.
  • Uses correct concepts in explanation
  • Accurately describes the concept
  • Accurately applies concept in context
  • Shows depth in explanation or creative connections to other concepts

A: A student is showing or exceeding in all 3 standards.

B: A student is showing or exceeding in a majority of standards, and is approaching in 1 standard.

C: A student is approaching in a majority of standards, and is developing in no standards.

D: A student is developing in 1 standard.

NM: A student is developing in 2 or more standards.

The grade will be determined using the mode in each category. Recency will not be factored into account due to the highly-varying nature of Analysis H’s content.

Quizzes, unit-tests, midterms, projects, and the final exam will all be used as assessments to determine the final grade. Homework will be factored into the grade if the grade is ambiguous from assessment data alone, and completing all homework assignments and self-correcting them will be a requirement to revise a test. A short formative assessment will be given weekly to help students track their progress with learning mathematical concepts, but these assessments will not go in the gradebook.

Process for retaking a test:

  1. Complete and correct all homework assignments leading up to the test.
  2. Correct all missed test questions and solve the problems with the correct solutions.
  3. Retake a portion of the test in question.

Retakes will only be open for the midterms and unit tests to limit the volume of retakes so that the teacher does not suffer. The grade on the retake will replace the grade on the original test, including if the grade is lower. A test can only be retaken once. Retakes will not be open for the final due to the need to submit final scores on time.

Projects cannot be revised; students, however, will have the opportunity to do at least one formative check-in for the project before turning it in. Late projects will not be accepted after 1 week after the deadline.

The Analysis H final, unlike previous years, will be a test consisting of both FRQs and MCQs in the style of the midterms. Students are encouraged to study well ahead of time.