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Credit typeRepeatable

Yoga is a PE elective.

Course catalog description

Students will begin the course by taking an overall assessment of their current emotional and physical fitness as well as set goals for improvement. Students learn a series of yoga postures and philosophy which will help promote strength, flexibility and cardiorespiratory health. Students will begin to appreciate the body, mind, and breath connection and how regular yoga and journaling practice provides balance of these. Course will have adjustable assignments so that students may take the class multiple times. Daily cardiovascular exercise will be included with this class and students may not be on a sports team and receive a prep/study period for this class.

  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of PE 9
  • Homework Expectation: Less than 1 hour per week
  • District SLOs Addressed in this Course: A1, A2, B1, E4
  • CCSS Addressed in this Course: Effective communication through listening, speaking and writing; Reading with understanding; Critical and creative thinking to solve problems

Units studied

Should I take this course?

According to Ms. Laurence, there is a common misconception about this class that students can almost sleep during Yoga. This is not the case; Yoga is just as hard if not harder than normal PE, and mile runs are still required, per state law. Therefore, this course should only be taken by students who are literally interested in Yoga.