A sophomore is a 10th grader.
Course selection
Freshmen and sophomores take the same English classes, see that page.
Social studies
Sophomores take a semester of Contemporary World History and a semester of US Government (or the Social Justice Pathway equivalents).
Sophomores who took Algebra 1A the previous year have a choice between Geometry and Geometry A. Students who took Geometry H generally take Algebra 2 + Trig H next, although some go to Algebra 2 + Trig A or skip to Analysis. Students who took Geometry A during their freshman year generally take Algebra 2 + Trig A, although they can also switch lanes to Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 + Trig H.
Sophomores are required to take any physical science course, as long as they have the proper math accreditation (this only affects AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C).
One more year of PE is required, although some students do it during their junior year instead of their sophomore year.